1LM Works is Creative Development Partners' signature community benefits initiative, which will provide career training and employment to students in the Oakland Unified School District and Peralta Community College District.  Participants in select OUSD Academies and Peralta Career Technical Education programs will receive contextualized learning opportunities in the pathways vital to the operations of a hotel and convention center. Through a combination of paid and unpaid internships and apprenticeships, students will gain valuable experience in the workplace, within one of the top hospitality and tourism markets in the world.


  • Hospitality and Culinary Arts
  • Sustainable Facilities Management
  • Creative Arts
  • Computer Information Systems (CIS)and Cyber Security- Working with the CIS and CIS Security departments at Peralta community college, 1LM will provide an opportunity for students to gain real-world experience in an ever-growing industry and create a pipeline of qualified minority candidates to fill 
  • Administration of Justice
  • Landscape and Horticulture
  • Business and Entrepreneurship- Every participant in 1LM Works will be required to fulfill course credits in Business and Entrepreneurship. Working with local business development partners, participants will learn how they, and each career pathway fits into the larger enterprise. They will also learn how to run a small product or service business, as many jobs, careers and innovations are created through entrepreneurship.

Creative Development Partners will work with the following labor organizations to develop our training and employment programs for incumbent and future workers in a range of industry sectors.

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